I'm going over Kman's tomorrow to watch the Yankees beat the piss out of his beloved Texas Rangers. We have a bet going on but win or lose, I'll still win. Let's just say plenty of beer will be had.
I don't know what to really expect with Kman since I only went on one date with him, that ended in near disaster what with me downing a half bottle of wine and kicking his poor dog out of the bed so I could sleep over.
I'm still as excited as the first time to see him though. Maybe it's because of his irresistibly good looks and slight Southern charm. Maybe because it'll be a welcomed break from Oldieman, for whom I'm still having mixed feelings about.
I'm a sucker for a good looking man. Like a delicious man. Which is exactly what Kman is. I don't expect to date this guy. I don't think I even want to. I just want to ... look at him. All day.
And this is where my dating life gets good, falls into a nice little rotation - the one I chided myself for wanting three weeks ago. Attention is coming from all sides: Oldieman, Kman and now Sportsman (not quite sure about this one...). Not to mention, my ex-douche bag boyfriend is back in the mix, too.
It's clear at this point that my sentiments of wanting a relationship have dissipated into this constant desire for attention from multiple sources. Also, time is a factor in me breaking free from the shackles of wanting a significant other. I'm wrapped up in work right now and don't have the attention span to dedicate to just one person. Seeing a few at once helps me stave off the possibility of wanting to have a boyfriend.
This mini-rotation I have going on might be what people strive for on Match, like the Golden Ticket or that perfect, not fucked up or ill-fitting cashmere sweater you find at TJ Maxx. If you strictly date just one person at one time, you're wasting precious moments that could be spent combing through and weeding out what few gems there are in the Match world. If you date too many, you don't allow yourself to see the future potential each individual may hold. My mini-rotation right now fits my lifestyle - it sounds brash, but I can't help but believe that this is what other career-driven and relatively attractive single people like me do. I have no spoken commitment to just one guy and am enjoying the qualities each has to offer.
I know that sounds selfish. But in all fairness, singlehood is the only time you can be selfish. When you're seriously dating someone, you revert to being selfless on behalf of the other. There will be none of that. Not right now, at least.
So tomorrow, when my head is spinning due too much beer, a Yankee victory and an incredibly, incredibly hot guy in my presence, I won't be regretting putting these boys on a lazy Susan for me to devour at my leisure.
You gotta write the rules to play the game.
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