Friday, September 17, 2010

Oldieman date recap

Last night, I got a taste for what it's like to go out with a guy 14 years my senior.

I want to say that it wasn't really much different than going out with a guy in his late 20s, other than the fact that Oldieman exudes this elusive level of friendly confidence. He wears this smile that kind of makes you melt (if you're a woman), where his eyes crinkle on the sides and all that jazz - yet you can tell that he's comfortable in his skin and is set in his ways. Something that I think only comes with time.

Oldieman is extremely good looking. The saying that men age better than women was verified last night, in a noisy, dim bar in Jersey City (because god knows, with my genes, I'm going to age like shit.)

I asked him last night what a 37-year-old wants with a 23-year-old. (And I can do this and get away with it because I'm a journalist. Heh.)

His answer came in a series of stammers and "ummms." The gist was that a younger attractive woman (girl?) is appealing for an older guy.

At least he was honest.

So follows a series of hardball interrogative questions:

Do you have kids?

Were you ever married?

For how long?
5 months.

Why did you break it off?
I realized I wasn't in love with her.

My guy friend M speculates that Oldieman must've cheated on his blushing bride-to-be and that's how he realized he didn't love her. So now he's been branded as a cheating, old fart. This has yet to be proven.

While my mother is none too happy with my date with a seriously older guy, I'm pretty happy. Considering a few of his near-condescending texts, our date went way better than expected.

His answer today about our age difference was, via text, "I guess we'll worry about it when it's actually an issue. :)"

Good point. Because right now, it's not an issue. It'll only be an issue if this goes beyond five or so dates, I think. If I'm still writing about nameless Oldieman in this blog three months from now, then yeah, it's a problem and I pray that my avid readers (the three of you out there) will call me out on it.

I don't plan on dating him. Or having a relationship with this dude. Maybe it's because of his age, maybe it's because I've already seen how eager he is to see me again. I think I might milk this for what it's worth.

There was a guy I met on Match whom I dated for a few months last year. He was 29, and at that point, he was the oldest guy I had ever dated. He was extremely wealthy, had a high-rise apartment overlooking the Hudson in Hoboken, wore a Rolex, drove a Mercedes convertible, etc. etc.

I admittedly used him. For a nice dinner out. For attention. For an ego boost. He was waaaaay more into me than I was into him, but I think sometimes you need that.

It's nice to feel like the hunted than the hunter.

In the end, I like Oldieman. He's got a sharp sense of humor, he's smart but not too academic and he really doesn't come off as being a much. older. man. He's not a crotchety, arthritic guy with salt-and-peppered hair. More like a seasoned, older man who knows how to take care of a woman. Or woo a young, naive 20-something.

Tonight I have a date with Irishman. Going to a nice dinner in the city. Looking forward to it, actually. He's 24 so it'll be interesting to see how these dates differ in terms of characteristics of age.

And side note: Bostonman, Writerman, Oldieman AND Irishman all hail from Massachusetts. Strange coincidence? Maybe god is out to punish me with this slew of born and bred Red Sox fans.

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